Washington-born Nick spent his childhood watching BMX during the X games and being fascinated by all things that go really fast.
He took on a variety of jobs including commercial fishing in Alaska and shearing alpacas before a move to New York got him a job at one of the first e-scooter shops in the city as a technician. Passionate about the tech and an avid everyday user of his scooter, he developed e-scooters and spent his free time making his own modifications including an interactive LED screen on the scooter deck. After a few late-night community races, a real passion was born.
At the same time he found a passion for building, programming and operating drones further solidifying his love of speed and racing.
When not racing, Nick is also trained in structural climbing which he clarified for any laymen means: man-made structures such as radio towers.
He joins eSC with both the technical knowledge and the passion of a freestyle e-scooter racer as part of team Net Zero Racers.